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작성자 axamovexu 작성일24-10-02 03:09 조회30회 댓글0건


Italy and Switzerland have agreed to shift their shared border in the Alps. Here’s why kraken зайти

Part of the border between Italy and Switzerland is set to be redrawn as the glaciers that mark the boundary melt, in yet another sign of how much humans are changing the world by burning planet-heating fossil fuels..

The two countries have agreed to change the border under the iconic Matterhorn Peak, one of the highest summits in the Alps, which overlooks Zermatt, a popular skiing destination.

While national boundaries are often thought of as fixed, large sections of the Swiss-Italian border are defined by glaciers and snow fields. “With the melting of the glaciers, these natural elements evolve and redefine the national border,” the Swiss government said in a statement Friday.

The border changes were agreed back in 2023 and the Swiss government officially approved the adjustment on Friday. The process for approval is underway in Italy. As soon as both parties have signed, the agreement will be published and details of the new border made public, according to the Swiss government.

Europe is the world’s fastest-warming continent and the impact on its glaciers has been stark.

In Switzerland, they are melting at an alarming rate. The country’s glaciers lost 4% of their volume last year, second only to the record-setting 6% lost in 2022.


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