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작성자 otewuf 작성일24-10-25 11:27 조회21회 댓글0건


Boeing’s turnaround just got even harder. Here’s why сколько стоит аппарат узи

Problems at Boeing go back years, if not decades. And they just got a lot harder to fix.

In addition to the spate of safety incidents that has undermined the company’s public image, raised worries about quality, sparked numerous investigations and led to a shakeup of executives — including a brand new CEO — the aircraft manufacturer is battling a costly and lengthy strike at its Washington state factories.

Members of the International Association of Machinists just rejected Boeing’s offer to return to work after a bruising six weeks of strike action.
The strike is costing the company around $1 billion a month, according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s.
Boeing this week reported a $6 billion third-quarter loss, one of the largest quarterly losses in the company’s history.
Boeing also warned investors that losses will continue for at least another year.
New CEO Kelly Ortberg said ending the strike — which has brought Boeing’s commercial airplane production to a near halt — was a top priority and a key to fixing its financial problems.

But with 64% of IAM members voting no on the company’s latest offer, getting a once-great American company back on track appears harder than ever.


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