How does your engin > 온라인 상담

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How does your engin

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작성자 AnthonyIsork 작성일24-07-01 19:08 조회57회 댓글0건


Is it bad for the car to start it up in the morning, spend 10 seconds driving it out of the garage, then shut it off while I go close the garage door and then a few seconds later get in and start it up again and drive to work? I know hybrids and some conventional cars start/stop the engine frequently when engine power isn't needed (but I'm not sure if they turn off a cold, just-started engine), but my conventionally powered 5 yer old car was probably not designed for frequent restarts. I've read that cold starts cause the most wear on the engine and I'm doing 2 cold starts in a row. I do the same thing when I come home - drive up to the garage door, turn off the car to go open the door and then restart. But at least then, the engine is warm so I think it's not as hard on the car. Am I likely to see any shorter lifetime of the engine, starter or other components?
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Grab the garden hose and rinse the underside of the hood using a light spray. You could also use a pressure hose using the lowest pressure setting. The idea is to avoid dousing the engine bay with strong water gushes to prevent issues later.
1. eBay.


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